We are deeply saddened to share the news that longtime SPEP member Véronique Fóti passed away recently. After teaching at New School University for four years, Véronique joined the Penn State Philosophy Department in 1985, and she retired in 2013. She was the author of many well-known books including Merleau-Ponty at the Gallery (SUNY, 2021); Tracing Expression in Merleau-Ponty (Northwestern, 2013); Epochal Discord (SUNY, 2012); Vision’s Invisibles (SUNY, 2003), and Heidegger and the Poets (Humanities, 1992). Véronique received her Ph.D. in Philosophy from Boston College in 1979, writing a dissertation on Descartes under the supervision of Jacques Tamineux. She routinely taught graduate seminars on Merleau-Ponty, Heidegger, and aesthetics. Veronique was also a much-admired painter, and the painting in the background of her picture below is one of her many creations. Her passing is a great loss.