Diane Enns (McMaster University) and Antonio Calcagno (King’s University College at the University of Western Ontario) invite submissions for a collection of philosophical essays that explore the meaning of human love in any of its facets (publisher pending). While philosophers have historically maintained the centrality of love in human experience, they have neglected sustained investigations of the subject. This is particularly true of contemporary scholars working in the continental tradition, a curious fact given the emphasis on lived experience in existentialism and phenomenology, feminist and psychoanalytic thought.
We are interested in original, reflective essays that challenge philosophical reasoning on love and open new avenues for discussion. Although papers focusing on the theme of love in the history of philosophy are welcome, we encourage essays that draw from the tradition to advance contemporary views rather than straight expositions of historical thinkers or ideas.
Possible themes include:
- The ambiguity of love
- Romantic/erotic love
- Philosophy and love
- Phenomenology of love
- Love and hate
- Love and desire
- Politics and love
- Narcissistic love
- Love, sex and friendship
- Love, conscious and unconscious
- Love and infatuation
- Mistaken love, or love misunderstood
- Idealization in love
- Love and conflict
Submission Deadline: June 1, 2012
Send to: Diane Enns, ennsd@mcmaster.ca
- Papers should be 6,000 to 8,000 words (inclusive of notes and bibliography)
- Papers should be sent electronically as a Word or RTF document
- Please prepare for blind review by omitting any identifying information in the body of the paper.
- Include author’s name, title of paper, institutional affiliation and contact information in your email message.