CFP: Prosthesis Journal of Theory and Criticism

Theoretical Matter(s): New Materialisms and the Problems of Theory

Since the emergence of Marxism, the word ‘materialism’ has erupted with growing philosophical importance as well as a rapid diffusion of meanings and objections. Recently, new materialisms have begun to take take shape — materialisms which are cognizant of this varied and troubled past, and are emerging from numerous and diverse sources, given what is seen as the exhaustion of various forms of postmodern theory, the rise of the animal turn, the posthuman turn, and the speculative turn, as well as developments of queer theory, new media studies, actor network theory, and more.

This wave of new concerns for materialism implicitly — or perhaps even explicitly — troubles the efficacy of thought and theoretical or academic discourses. That is, thought may be incapable of adequately grasping the world if it is material and thus radically independent of human practices. Consequently, we must ask: how do new materialisms fundamentally shift the ‘matter’ of theory, or how does matter itself demand a shift in theory? In light of new materialisms, what matters for theory?

Proposals for essays, interviews, book reviews, or rare translations should be given in abstract form in 250-450 words, prepared for blind review, and submitted no later than February 1st 2012. Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by March 1st 2012. Drafts will be due May 1st2012 for review and revisions.