“What is Canadian Philosophy? Reflections on the 150th Anniversary of Confederation”
In honour of the 150th anniversary of Canadian Confederation, the University of New Brunswick and St. Thomas University will host, at Fredericton, New Brunswick, the first international conference dedicated to exploring the meanings of a uniquely Canadian philosophy. The November 23-25, 2017 conference, in collaboration with interdisciplinary scholars from departments of Catholic Studies, English, Humanities, Native Studies, Philosophy, and Political Science, will result in a book that will be the first collection to explore, from a diversity of perspectives, the meanings of Canadian philosophy. The conference and volume will include contributions on the sense in which there can be said to be distinctively Canadian philosophy, on influential Canadian philosophers, on underrepresented tendencies in Canadian philosophy, and on world philosophical movements that have found unique expression in Canada.
We are pleased to announce a graduate student/recent Ph.D. section at this conference (Ph.D. granted 2014 or later). The Charles Taylor Prize, a prize of $500, will be awarded for the best paper on any area of Canadian philosophy presented by a doctoral student or recent Ph.D. The prize will be awarded at the conference; it will be based on both the text of the paper and its presentation. Please submit papers or abstracts for this panel/prize by October 1, 2017, to the conference organizer, Jason Bell, Ph.D., by either email (jbell3@unb.ca), or by post at: Jason Bell, Ph.D., Department of Philosophy, 19 Macaulay Lane, Carleton Hall Room 209, Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3. Please prepare papers/abstracts for blind review. Papers will be 25-30 minutes reading time (approximately 3,000-4,000 words), with additional time for discussion. Announcements of acceptance will be made by October 15.
Conference registration fees (which include receptions, two lunches, and three dinners) is $270; this fee is waived for presenters.
Questions about the conference may be directed to Jason Bell (jbell3@unb.ca), or to Matthew Dinan, Ph.D., conference co-organizer, at mdinan@stu.ca