Philosophy and Medicine
Florida Gulf Coast University
Fort Myers, Florida
March 15th-16th, 2018
Keynote Speaker: Drew Leder, MD, PhD, Loyola University, Maryland
Conference Description
The Philosophy Program at Florida Gulf Coast University in cooperation with the College of Arts and Sciences and The Seidler Lecture Series invites submissions for our upcoming Philosophy and Medicine conference. The conference aims to explore core issues in biomedical ethics; the experience of aging, illness, and death; the role of technology in medical practice; the social construction of sickness; and the value of the humanities in medical education. We welcome papers from diverse philosophical starting points (e.g. hermeneutics, phenomenology, ethical theory, legal theory, the history of philosophy, etc.) and from social scientists in other disciplines involved in related areas.
Instructions for Submissions
To submit, please send a detailed abstract of 400-600 words prepared for blind review to by December 15, 2017. For more information, please contact Kevin Aho at