Diverse Lineages of Existentialism II (DLE II)

Diverse Lineages of Existentialism II
Washington, D.C. June 3-5, 2019
Call for Panel and Individual Paper Proposals
Deadline: November 15, 2018

Announcing a call for panels and papers that diversify our understanding of what existentialism has been and can be, and/or that engage existentialist texts, thinkers or concepts for contemporary social and political issues, including but not only racial injustice, mass incarceration, decolonization, queer and feminist politics, food justice, environmental degradation and climate change, and critiques of ableism, political violence, militarism, globalization, or capitalism, including the relations among any combination of these. We are interested in both panels and individual papers that creatively work across two or more of these areas or that integrate the work of two or more philosophers not often read together (e.g. Hannah Arendt and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Frantz Fanon and Gloria Anzaldúa, Friedrich Nietzsche and Angela Davis).

Please send queries and submissions to dleii19@gmail.edu. Include the following in one document. For panels: 1) contact information for all members of the proposed panel, 2) a 500 word abstract introducing your panel proposal on the whole, and 3) three separate 200 word abstracts for each of the three papers to be included on the panel. For individual papers: 1) contact information and 2) a 500 word abstract. Deadline for submissions is November 15, 2018.

About Diverse Lineages of Existentialism II:

The first Diverse Lineages of Existentialism conference took place in June 2014 in St. Louis. This conference hosted meetings of a number of organizations who share an interest in reading, critiquing, and extending existentialism. A second conference, the 2019 Diverse Lineages of Existentialism (DLE II), is set to take place in Washington, D.C. June 3-5, 2019, with the participation of an expanded group of philosophical societies, and co-sponsored by several local Washington, D.C. Universities, including George Washington University, American University, and George Mason University. All events will take place on the George Washington University campus in downtown D.C. For more information and for a full list of participating organizations, see the conference website https://dleii.com/