Feminism & Classics 2020: body/language

FemClas 2020, the eighth quadrennial conference of its kind, takes place on May 21–24, 2020, in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, at the invitation of the Wake Forest University Department of Classics and Department of Philosophy. The conference theme is “body/language,” broadly construed, and papers on all topics related to feminism, Classics, Philosophy, and related fields are welcome.

This conference focuses on the use of the body and/or language to gain, lose, contest, or express power and agency in the ancient Mediterranean world. Bodies and words, at both the physical and the conceptual levels, can exert disproportionate, oppositional, or complementary forces. Both have the power to transform their surrounding environments significantly. Yet there is a problematic dichotomy between body/physicality and language/reason, a problem long noted by philosophers, literary theorists, and social historians. FemClas 2020 seeks to contest, blur, and even eradicate these boundaries through papers, panels, and other programming that promotes interdisciplinary exploration of the ancient world.

For complete details, visit http://femclas2020.wordpress.com

Proposals should aim for an abstract of approximately 300 words (not counting works cited), and should be anonymous where possible. All submissions are due on September 1, 2019.

To submit a proposal for an individual paper or poster, visit: https://forms.gle/5hnCYHaCaMKREfrm8

To submit a proposal for any other type of session, visit: https://forms.gle/MDdu4DdqpPq82a8w5

Please contact T. H. M. Gellar-Goad at thmgg@wfu.edu with questions.