SPEP Public Outreach Committee Graduate Assistantship

The SPEP Public Outreach Committee is looking for a Social Media Assistant. Applicants should be current graduate students working on continental philosophy with an interest in public-facing philosophy and experience in social media content creation. The assistant will be responsible for starting and maintaining SPEP social media accounts in order to foster a community of continental philosophers online and share information about relevant events, conferences, and ideas. If you are interested, please email the committee at publicoutreachspep@gmail.com with a short message explaining a) what you like about social media, b) what your strengths are relative to this position, c) what your experience is with content creation, and d) your social media handles. The assistant will receive $2000 for 1-3 hours of work per week, from Dec. 2024 until the end of the next SPEP conference (Oct. 25, 2025). Submit by December 10.