
Africology: The Journal of Pan African Studies (formerly The Journal of Pan African Studies; JPAS), a trans-disciplinary on-line multilingual peer reviewed open-access scholarly journal devoted to the intellectual synthesis of research, scholarship and critical thought on the African experience around the world, is seeking contributions for a special edition focused on “Afro-Intellectualism: Past, Present and Future Dimensions,” hence, the global use, development, and exercise of the intellect by people of African heritage in all parts of the world (

We are seeking submissions focused on: the African intelligentsia, the African brain drain, decolonizing education in Africa and the African world community, institutional development and support for the African intelligentsia, the internationalization of African intellectualism, organic scholars within the African intelligentsia, the sociology of African intellectualism, the scholar-activist tradition/practice within the African intelligentsia, critical biographical profiles of the African intelligentsia, book reviews, the motion and behavior through space and time of African intellectualism in relationship to energy and force (the physics of African intellectualism), interviews, art and the African intelligentsia, Afro-futurism, the African intelligentsia absent of egocentricity, the conscious and unconscious dynamics/psychology of African intellectualism, etc. All relevant topics and subtopics will be considered for this edition.