Do you have an idea for an exciting theme that would make for an outstanding journal issue? Simone de Beauvoir Studies (SdBS) is seeking a guest editor for its next Special Issue (SdBS 32.2, October 2021). The Editorial Team is especially interested in proposals for creative, cutting-edge themes that promise to advance scholarship in a variety of disciplines and that speak to the most pressing issues of our time.
SdBS not only encourages proposals for themes that directly address Beauvoir’s writings, but also for those that do not treat Beauvoir’s writings per se but are nonetheless in conversation with her legacy such as gender studies, feminism, sexuality studies, disability studies, critical race theory, postcolonial studies, global politics, twentieth-century history, posthumanism, literary theory, and autobiography.
SdBS welcomes proposals from individuals and from teams comprised of faculty members from different countries, of junior and senior faculty members, and other pairings that harbor multiple perspectives. Prospective guest editors are encouraged to discuss their proposals with the Editor in Chief or another member of the Editorial Team before submitting them.
Please visit for information on how to submit a guest editor proposal to SdBS and a list of sample Special Issue themes. Proposals for SdBS Special Issues are reviewed annually and should be submitted by November 15th 2019.