CFP: Critical Hermeneutics – Live Philosophically! Writings on the Work of Jean Greisch


Live Philosophically!

Writings on the Work of Jean Greisch

Guest Editors : Carla Canullo, Marco Castagna, Annie Kunnath

Deadline (full paper): 1 December 2021

Jean Greisch is one of the most influential figure of contemporary philosophy. He was Professor at the Institut Catholique de Paris, where he also served as Dean (1985-1994) and held the Chaire Étienne Gilsons (2011-2012). He held several prestigious academic chairs worldwide, as: the Hans-Georg Gadamer Chair (Boston College, 2006), the Chaire de Philosophie Chrétienne (Villanova University, 2007), the Chaire Cardinal Mercier (Institut Supérieure de Philosophie, Louvain-La-Neuve, 2006), the Guardini Lehrstuhl (Humboldt University of Berlin, 2009-2012). Two far-reaching volumes retain a precious trace of this unflagging commitment to education: Qui sommes-nous? Chemins phénoménologiques vers l’homme (2009) et Du “non-autre” au “tout-autre” : Dieu et l’absolue dans le theologies philosophiques de la modernité (2012). Two major collective publications have already paid homage to Greisch’s thought-provoking work: Le souci du passage (2004) and Jean Greisch, le trois âges de la raison. Métaphysique, phénoménologie, herméneutique (2016). In 2016, he was awarded an honorary Doctorate by the Pontificio Istituto Sant’Anselmo, Roma.

If Archilocus said “the fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing,” then, “for better or worse, I belong more to the race of foxes than to that of hedgehogs!,” Greisch said, consistently with his well-known subtle irony. After all, everyone can see the fruitful results of the many things that, as a cunning fox, he has been able to find.

Since the first publications in the late 1970s (see at least Herméneutique et grammatologie, 1977), Greisch’s research has mainly focused on the theoretical systematisation of the hermeneutical philosophy and the philosophy of religion. There is no scholar of these two disciplines who has never referred to at least one of his publication.

Through a patient and sharp work of textual reconstruction and comparison, Greisch provides the hermeneutical philosophy with the inestimable disclosure of a Franco-Germanic foundation (see L’âge herméneutique de la raison, 1985; Hermeneutik und Metaphysik. Eine Problemgeschichte, 1993; Ontologie et temporalité. Esquisse systématique d’une interprétation intégrale de Sein und Zeit, 1994; L’arbre de vie et l’arbre du savoir. Les racines phénoménologiques de l’herméneutique heideggerienne, 2000; Le cogito herméneutique. L’herméneutique philosophique et l’héritage cartésien,2000; Paul Ricoeur: l’itinérance du sens, 2001).

When added to a deep analysis of the relationship between biblical a philosophical hermeneutics (Entendre d’une autre oreille, 2006), that same shaping of a phenomenological-hermeneutic paradigm (see Le buisson ardent et les lumières de la raison, 3 voll. 2002- 2004) enables Greisch to outline the identity of a philosophy of religion.

Even just one of the two paths would be sufficient to support the solidity of any other research path. However, there is something in Greisch that goes far beyond the accuracy and the intelligence of the scholar. This is the passion and generosity which distinguishes the greatest authors, who exercised the philosophical thought not just as a way to ‘teach’ but rather to ‘understand’ in order to ‘dialogue ‘. In such a way, Greisch dialogues with Ricoeur, Lévinas, Heidegger, and so on. Therefore, the most recent triad of Greisch’s works comes exactly from this intent to provide the contemporary society with the right and fair tools to understand each other. Here, without ever losing the accuracy of the content, his writing style necessarily becomes more accessible to the ‘general public’ (L’herméneutique comme sagesse de l’Incertitude, 2016; Rendez-vous avec la vérité, Paris, Hermann, 2017; Désirer comprendre. Court traité des vertus herméneutiques, 2019).

Thus, exactly when the Age herméneutique de la raison seems to have ran its own course, the work of Greisch provides hermeneutics with an upswing that is perfect to question the present and shape the future at the same. This is the hermeneutical paradigm of the human wisdom. The philosophy as a gesture of responsibility, in the end. It is not surprisingly that Greisch’s latest works – probably the ones he is happier with — are (philosophical) tales for children.

With the aim to account for and engage with the wide and deep philosophical space Greisch has developed so far, we recommended the submission of contributions relevant to the following four macro-areas:

1. Hermès et Hestia: the hermeneutical hellipsis.
The section includes the essays focused on Greisch’s work on the idea of the “âge herméneutique de la raison, with a particular attention to his readings of the classic works of hermeneutics.

2. Towards a new discipline: philosophical and biblical hermeneutics.
The section includes the essays focused on Greisch’s contribution in defining the boundaries and the contents of a history of the philosophy of religion.

3. The wisdom of uncertainty and le rendez-vous between truth and metaphysic passion.
The section includes the essays focused on Greisch’s renewal of metaphysics and its questions, which both he has dealt with from an anthropological point of view and by questioning the relation between ‘metaphysical function’ and ‘truth’.

4. Narrating life: the in-and-out of philosophy.
The section includes the essays focused on the multidisciplinary interests carried out by Greisch. A special focus is on the relation philosophy/literature, bearing in mind Greisch’s recent commitment as a writer of tales that, while addressed to be read by young people, call adults to ‘listen to the ears of the others’.


Author Guidelines
Authors are invited to follow the Author Guidelines in preparing the manuscript for submission. If necessary, the editors will exercise the right to alter/modify manuscripts in accordance with the stylistic and formal lines of the journal.
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2. Length of paper
The length of the paper should not exceed 50000 characters (spaces included). Articles should be typed in 1,5 space, including footnotes and references (placed at the end of the paper).

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It is highly recommended to clearly articulate the paper in numbered and titled paragraphs/sections. Sections should be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. Internal subsections should be numbered 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., … 2.1., 2.2., etc.

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