Kristeva Circle, March 27-30th 2014 Vanderbilt University

The Kristeva Circle supports research on or influenced by philosopher, psychoana- lyst and novelist Julia Kristeva. Our mis- sion is to establish and advance Kristeva scholarship nationally and internationally.

Please submit abstracts (500-750 words) on any topic related to the work of Julia Kristeva, to
We welcome submissions from across all disciplines. Abstracts should be suitable for blind review; include a separate docu- ment with name, paper title, affiliation, and contact information. The deadline for ab- stracts is October 15, 2013

For The Kristeva Circle Conference, March 27-30th, 2014,
Hosted by Kelly Oliver Vanderbilt University Department of Philosophy

Keynote Speakers: Julia Kristeva and Tina Chanter

For more information about The Kristeva Circle please visit our website: