March 17–19, 2023
King’s University College at Western University, Canada
The conference will include keynote addresses by Daniel Wildcat (Haskell Indian Nations University), Jason Wirth (Seattle University), Marjolein Oele (University of San Francisco University), and John Maraldo (University of North Florida).
The depth, scale, and urgency of our contemporary ecological precipice cannot be denied. In less than a century, humanity has more severely exploited the Earth than all previous generations combined and thus far the 21st century has only intensified this exploitation.
Confronting the complex and interwoven challenges of the present requires rethinking and renewing our understanding of what it means to be human. Many agree that paradigmatic transformations are necessary in order to establish a more authentically symbiotic relationship with each other and with all life forms. However, how we are to understand, theorize, and induce this transformation remains an open question that requires attention. This conference takes up the dual challenge of envisioning a different future by way of a revisioning of the past. It begins with the claim that the possibility of planetary transformation can take place only through a deepened reflection and renewal of our diverse heritages and traditions. That we must rethink the nature of the human in an intercultural dialogue.
With these questions in mind, the Centre for Philosophy and Culture will host an international conference from March 17 to 19th, 2023 bringing together scholars, philosophers, and visionaries from differing traditions to explore vital questions of human self-understanding. In addition to our keynote speakers, we hope to curate a range of panels that balance the critical and the creative in approaching these philosophical questions of the human. We invite abstracts (300 words maximum) from all interested parties.
The final due date for proposals is January 15, 2023. All submissions will be equally reviewed. Please email abstract proposals for anonymous review to: