The 10th annual meeting of philoSOPHIA will run from the morning of Friday, March 11, 2016, to the evening of Saturday, March 12, 2015, on the campus of the University of Colorado Denver. The theme of the conference this year is Poetry, Politics, and Feminist Theory.
In addition to traditional panels, there will be two workshops, one lead by a poet and the other a philosopher. We encourage graduate students and junior scholars to apply to these workshops. Poetic and philosophical projects at any stage of completion welcomed. The themes of the panel will be:
1. Philosophy and Poetry, lead by Perry Zurn, Hampshire College
2. Poetry and Philosophy, lead by Lisa Robertson
You may submit one of the following:
1. Individual abstracts of 500-700 words;
2. Panel proposals (500 words) with individual abstracts (500-700 words each);
3. Workshop paper abstracts (500-700 words). Please identify which workshop;
4. For those graduate students who wish to be considered for a travel award, a complete paper (3000 words). Please also declare your status as a graduate student in the body of your email.
Abstracts, panel proposals, workshop paper abstracts, and papers should be submitted in an email attachment suitable for anonymous review. In the body of your email, please include your name, affiliation, contact information, and a brief bio, along with the title of your presentation.
For more information, please visit:
Please submit all proposals electronically to
DEADLINE: November 1, 2015