CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Biopower, Biologics, Biospheres philoSOPHIA: Society for Continental Feminism, 12th Annual Meeting
Thursday, March 22nd through Saturday, March 24th, 2018
University of Richmond, Richmond, Virginia
Deadline for Abstract, Panel, and Workshop Proposals: Dec. 15th, 2017
[Coming Soon: hotel and registration info, plus more on accessibility to and at the conference!]
The 12th annual meeting of philoSOPHIA will run from Thursday evening, March 22nd through Saturday evening, March 24th, 2018, on UR’s downtown campus in Richmond, VA. Our keynote speaker is Dr. Joy James, Presidential Professor of the Humanities at Williams College. Dr. James’ books include Transcending the Talented Tenth, Warfare in the American Heartland: Policing and Prison in a Penal Democracy, The New Abolitionists: (Neo)Slave Narratives and Contemporary Prison Writings, Imprisoned Intellectuals: America’s Political Prisoners Write on Life, Liberation, and Rebellion, and Seeking the Beloved Community: A Feminist Race Reader.
Papers concerning aspects of feminist philosophy, feminist theory, queer theory, critical philosophy of race, environmental philosophy, and continental philosophy are all welcome.
Guidelines for Submission:
Abstracts and panel proposals should be submitted in an email attachment suitable for anonymous review. You may submit one of the following:
- An individual abstract (500-700 words).
- A panel proposal (500 words) with individual abstracts (500-700 words each).
- A closed-session workshop abstract (500-700 words). Please see below for an extended description.
In a separate document (attached to the same email), please include your name and contact information along with your proposal title. Please list audio/visual requests, but bear in mind that these will be approved on a case-by-case basis, giving priority to accessibility for all conference participants. More information will be available soon on conference accessibility, building from the 2016 philoSOPHIA accessibility guidelines and the invaluable resources of the Society for Disability Studies, SDS. The program committee encourages and prioritizes conference submissions engaging the works of people of color, gender non-conforming persons, and/or disabled persons.
Please submit proposals by email to Ladelle McWhorter at by 11:59pm on Wednesday, November 15th, 2017. For all inquiries related to the 2018 conference, please use the same address.