13th Annual Duquesne Graduate Students in Philosophy Conference
Theme — The Ascetic and the Ecstatic: The Limits of Pleasure
Keynote Speaker — Karmen MacKendrick (Le Moyne College)
Duquesne University
Pittsburgh, PA 15282
Date: February 23, 2019
Call for Abstracts/Papers
Please submit all papers/abstracts (prepared for blind review) on any topic related to the theme to gsipconference2019@gmail.com. Full-paper submissions should contain both a paper (not to exceed 3,000 words) and an abstract (about 250 words). Abstract-only submissions should be about 350 words.
Deadline: December 1, 2018
Decisions announced by December 31, 2018
Some topics for consideration include, but are not limited to, the following:
– Asceticism in Ancient Philosophy (Pythagoras, Empedocles, Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, etc.)
– Asceticism in Ancient Ethics (Epicureanism, Cynicism, Stoicism, Skepticism, Virtue Ethics, etc.)
– Asceticism in the Catholic Church (Augustine, the Desert Fathers, The Franciscans, the Dominicans, etc.)
– Conceptualizations of Ecstasy/Excess in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
– The Relationship between Asceticism and Ecstasy in Mysticism (Theresa, Hildegard, Simone Weil, etc.)
– Ecstatic Excess in Contemporary Philosophy (Bataille, Klossowski, Blanchot, Derrida, Deleuze, etc.)
– Psychoanalytic Views on Asceticism and Ecstasy
– Phenomenological Approaches to Asceticism and Ecstasy
– Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche on Asceticism and Ecstasy/Excess
– Non-Western Conceptualizations of Asceticism and Ecstasy/Excess
For more information, visit https://philevents.org/event/show/65846