University of New Mexico’s Annual Philosophy Graduate Student Conference

Call for Papers
University of New Mexico’s Annual Philosophy Graduate Student Conference
Romanticism as Living Tradition
April 29-30, 2016
Keynote Speaker: Jane Kneller (Emerita, Colorado State University)
Faculty Speaker: Brent Kalar
Submission Deadline: February 3, 2016
In her introduction to the 2014 edited volume The Relevance of Romanticism Dalia Nassar argues, “At a time of greater disciplinary specialization and rigid distinctions between ways of knowing, the romantic imperative seems both anachronistic and undesirable. Yet the last two decades can be described as nothing less than a genuine revival of interest in German romantic philosophy.” Thus the time now seems ripe to discuss and reflect on the themes, questions, and problems raised by Romanticism and its contemporary revival. What is the meaning of Romanticism, and how has it been historically inherited by contemporary philosophy, art, and literature? What has contributed to or sparked this recent Romantic revival? We invite papers that address the historical formation and enduring relevance of Romanticism. Paper topics might include or touch on the following questions and issues:
Discussions of particular figures, movements, and themes in the history of philosophical and artistic Romanticism, such as German Romanticism, including the Jena Circle and Frühromantik; British Romanticism; American Transcendentalism; and other movements
Applications of Romantic themes and problematics to issues in contemporary metaphysics, epistemology, aesthetics, ethics, philosophy of culture, political philosophy, philosophy of language, philosophy of religion, and other areas
Examinations of issues raised by Romantic philosophers, including the possibility of mythology, education and Bildung, the relationship between philosophy and art and poetry, the role of the artist and the critic in society, the creative and conceptual capacities of the imagination, the connection between art and religion, the formation of community and culture, and more
Romantic traditions of environmental philosophy, philosophy of nature (Naturphilosophie), and conceptions of normativity in nature
The historical connections between Romanticism and other philosophical movements and figures, such as Kant and German Idealism, Nietzsche, American pragmatism, Marxism, phenomenology, hermeneutics, deconstruction, and analytic philosophy
The influence of Romanticism on subsequent cultural and intellectual history
Philosophical and critical engagements with or readings of particular episodes in the history of artistic Romanticism, such as literary texts, paintings, and musical compositions
We welcome submissions of no longer than 3000 words from graduate students as well as advanced undergraduates. Please prepare submissions for blind review, and include name, title, and institutional affiliation on a separate cover page. Submissions and inquiries should be sent to