Calls for Papers

Below you will find listings for Calls for Papers we have received. If you have an announcement you would like listed on this page, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.

Calls for Papers

34th Annual Colloquy of the American Weil Society


We are hereby pleased to announce the Thirty-Fourth Annual Colloquy of the American Weil Society, which will take place at the University of Ottawa in…

CFP: 2014 Uehiro Graduate Student Conference at University of Hawaii at Manoa


2014 UEHIRO PHILOSOPHY CONFERENCE: Cross Currents: Aesthetic Distributions March 14-16, 2014 at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Keynote Speakers: Joseph Tanke, Ph.D. Associate Professor…

13th National Communication Ethics Conference


13th NATIONAL COMMUNICATION ETHICS CONFERENCE “Rhetoric and Philosophy of Communication Ethics: Social Justice in Organizations and History” Duquesne University Pittsburgh, PA June 4–6, 2014 CALL…

Breached Horizons: The Work of Jean-Luc Marion


Breached Horizons: The Work of Jean-Luc Marion Conference at the Centre for Advanced Research in European Philosophy King’s University College, London, Canada March 27–29, 2015…

8th Annual Duquesne Graduate Conference: Philosophy of Time


February 22, 2014 Keynote Speaker: Martin Hägglund, Yale University Time has been fundamental for explaining the nature of the world throughout the history of philosophy,…

Sofia Philsophical Review


Sofia Philosophical Review is a peer reviewed journal indexed by The Philosopher’s Index and by the MLA International Bibliography, ISSN 1313-275X. We accept papers in…

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