Below you will find listings for Calls for Papers we have received. If you have an announcement you would like listed on this page, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.
Calls for Papers
7th Annual Ida B. Wells Philosophical Conference Friday, October 18 through Saturday, October 19, 2013 University of Memphis Memphis, TN 38152 Advisor: Dr. Luvell Anderson…
Call for Papers 1st Mediterranean Interdisciplinary Forum on Social Sciences and Humanities, MIFS 2014 Beirut, Lebanon 23-26 April 2014 SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 10 March, 2014 Distinguished…
Transgressing the Limit: Borders and Liminality in Philosophy and Literature Borders are more than lines cutting across maps; rather, they are wide swaths of ambiguity…
Seminar in Phenomenology and the History of Philosophy (SIPHOP) Second Annual Meeting Topic: ‘Phenomenology and philosophy in the 19th century’ October 19-20, 2013 University of…
Call for Papers Global Multidisciplinary e-Conference 2013-dedicated to the UNESCO world science day SUBMISSION DEADLINE: October 25, 2013 Distinguished Researchers, We are pleased to announce…
The 2014 ACLA meeting at New York University offers a singular opportunity to address New York’s tenuous reputation as a global capital—and, more broadly, the…