Below you will find listings for Calls for Papers we have received. If you have an announcement you would like listed on this page, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.
Calls for Papers
[Submission Deadline has been extended to January 31st 2013. Please visit for more information and conference updates.] Translating Realism: The Nature and Emergence of…
Call for contributions Over recent decades, naturalism has progressively become one of the leading positions in philosophical debate. The contemporary trend in philosophy has often…
International Conference | June 27-29, 2013 | Groningen, The Netherlands Deadline for submissions: March 1 The University of Groningen, The Radboud University Nijmegen and The…
University of New Mexico Philosophy Graduate Student Association Presents: 2013 Annual Graduate Student Conference Call for Papers Philosophy of Art and Literature April 19th and…
Kentucky Philosophical Association Meeting March 23rd, 2013 Hosted by Transylvania University (Lexington, KY) Keynote: Professor Richard Polt (Xavier University) “A Heideggerian Critique of Cyberbeing” CALL…
March 15-16, 2013 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee Hosted by the German Graduate Student Association in collaboration with the Departments of Philosophy, English, and Spanish &…