Calls for Papers

Below you will find listings for Calls for Papers we have received. If you have an announcement you would like listed on this page, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.

Calls for Papers

CFP-46th North Texas Philosophical Association


April 4-6, 2013 at the University of North Texas, Denton CFP Deadline:January 21, 2013 Plenary Speakers: Dermot Moran, University College Dublin Leonard Lawlor, Penn State…

Deadline Extension – New School Graduate Student Conference in Philosophy


Philosophy and the West: On the Future of Universality 12th Annual Philosophy Graduate Conference The New School for Social Research March 1st- 2nd, 2013 Keynote…

Translating Realism: The Nature and Emergence of Contemporary French Thought


An Interdisciplinary Conference Keynote Speakers: Adrian Johnston (University of New Mexico) Dorothea Olkowski (UCCS/Rotman Institute) Michael Naas (Depaul) May 10-11 2013, University of Notre Dame.…

Futures of Schelling: 2nd Annual Meeting of the North American Schelling Society


Futures of Schelling: The Second Conference of the North American Schelling Society Western University London, ON Canada – August 29- September 1, 2013 With the…

CFP: “Philologoi” – Belmont University’s Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy


CALL FOR PAPERS Philologoi: Φιλόλογος Philologos (mas. noun): “student, scholar.” From the conjunction of philos [a friend] and logos [word, idea, reason]; Philologoi are “fond…

The 18th annual Villanova Philosophy Conference


Apocalyptic Politics: Framing the Present Villanova University, Friday April 12-Saturday April 13, 2013 Confirmed Speakers: Mladen Dolar | Slavoj Žižek | Alenka Zupančič The present…

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