Below you will find listings for Calls for Papers we have received. If you have an announcement you would like listed on this page, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.
Calls for Papers
Purlieu: A Philosophical Journal Announces its Call For Papers for Fall 2012 Deadline: August 26, 2012 [] Purlieu is an international peer-reviewed publication, both…
Call for Papers: Edited Volume, Philosophy Imprisoned Western philosophy has a long relationship with prisons, from Socrates awaiting execution in Plato’s Phaedo, to Boethius’ Consolation…
CALL FOR PAPERS/CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT Please inform all who might be interested that they are welcome to attend the forthcoming summer conference entitled “The Positive Psychology…
Since 2004, “ESJ” has become a double blind peer – reviewed international journal which accepts high quality research articles in the field of social sciences.…
Miami University, Oxford Ohio November 9-11 Submission Deadline: July 15 The Midwest Division of the Society for Women in Philosophy invites papers in all areas…
Special issue of Res Philosophica devoted to Kierkegaard and Rationality Guest Editor: Antony Aumann (Northern Michigan University) Deadline for Submission: April 1st, 2013 2013 marks…