Calls for Papers

Below you will find listings for Calls for Papers we have received. If you have an announcement you would like listed on this page, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.

Calls for Papers

CFP: International Association for Environmental Philosophy at the APA


CALL FOR PAPERS Meeting of The International Association for Environmental Philosophy at the annual meeting of the American Philosophical Association—Eastern Division December 27-30, 2012 Marriott…

Biblical Philosophy: Exploratory Essays


2nd Call for Papers for a proposed volume: Biblical Philosophy? Exploratory Essays Editors, Mark Cauchi and Avron Kulak We invite essay submissions for a proposed…

CFA: Kant and the Founding of Phenomenology (Seminar in Phenomenology and the History of Philosophy)


Seminar in Phenomenology and the History of Philosophy (SIPHOP): This new Seminar, organized by Matthew Shockey (IU-South Bend) and Clinton Tolley (UC, San Diego), aims…

New Post-Sartean/Adornian Critical Institute Call for Papers


Heathwood Institute and Press is a radical academic collective of authors and researchers whose aim is to continuously and normatively break new grounds of intellectual…

Special Issue of Art and Philosophy (Sztuka i Filozofia) on Art, Judgment and Criticism


Special Issue of Art and Philosophy (Sztuka i Filozofia) on Art, Judgment and Criticism Papers are invited on all aspects of art, judgment and criticism.…

CFP: Southwest Seminar in Continental Philosophy (Update)


Call for Papers Continental Philosophy in the Great Basin The Third Annual Southwest Seminar in Continental Philosophy June 7-9, 2012 Brigham Young University Provo, Utah…

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