Below you will find listings for Calls for Papers we have received. If you have an announcement you would like listed on this page, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.
Calls for Papers
Special Issue of Art and Philosophy (Sztuka i Filozofia) on Art, Judgment and Criticism Papers are invited on all aspects of art, judgment and criticism.…
Call for Papers Continental Philosophy in the Great Basin The Third Annual Southwest Seminar in Continental Philosophy June 7-9, 2012 Brigham Young University Provo, Utah…
Call for Papers: Society for Women in Philosophy (Eastern Division) April 28, 2012 Notre Dame of Maryland University Baltimore, MD Conference Theme: Women in Philosophy:…
“Truth, Thought, and Technology” October 2012 Philosophers from ancient Greece to the present have explored technology’s relation to truth. Whether that exploration has been undertaken…
How do the logos and its phenomenon relate? How does the logos itself appear? Is any articulation of the phenomenon possible? We are currently welcoming…
Call for Papers – philosophy@lisbon International eJournal philosophy@lisbon is now accepting submissions for upcoming issues. The journal is interested in papers on the following topics:…