Calls for Papers

Below you will find listings for Calls for Papers we have received. If you have an announcement you would like listed on this page, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.

Calls for Papers

Europe out of Bounds: Continuities of Continental Thought


Most of the English-speaking world understands continental philosophy only from German and French sources. This collection seeks submissions that investigate how that tradition is transformed…

Call for Papers: Understanding Love


Diane Enns (McMaster University) and Antonio Calcagno (King’s University College at the University of Western Ontario) invite submissions for a collection of philosophical essays that…

Back to the Things Themselves! 2012


Since 2007, Back to the Things Themselves! (BTTTT!) has been an annual attempt to liberate ourselves from textual exegesis, and return to the lived world…

CFP Phenomenology, Affect, and Emotion: Special Issue of PhaenEx


Papers dealing with the topic of Phenomenology, Affect, and Emotion are invited for publication review for the Fall/Winter 2012 issue of PhaenEx: Journal of Existential…

CFP “Rethinking Resistance”


While the idea of total revolutions might sound hopelessly anachronistic today, there is a consensus about the centrality of certain forms of political, ethical and…

Feminism, Autonomy & Reproductive Technology: A Special Journal Edition in Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology


The aim of this special issue is to offer an interdisciplinary analysis focusing on reproductive technology from philosophical and psychological perspectives, including diverse approaches from…

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