Calls for Papers

Below you will find listings for Calls for Papers we have received. If you have an announcement you would like listed on this page, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.

Calls for Papers

Intensities and Lines of Flight: Deleuze, Guattari and the Arts


CALL FOR PAPERS Intensities and Lines of Flight: Deleuze and Guattari and the Arts May 4-6, 2012 King’s University College and The University of Western…

Cornell TRG 2011: Repetition and Revolt


The Theory Reading Group at Cornell University invites submissions for its seventh annual interdisciplinary spring conference: Repetition and Revolt Featuring keynote speaker Rebecca Comay (University…

International Association for Environmental Philosophy


The International Association for Environmental Philosophy (IAEP) invites paper proposals for its annual meeting to be held in Philadelphia at the Sheraton Society Hill on…

Society for Philosophy in the Contemporary World 18th Annual Conference


Call for Papers: 18th Annual Conference July 23-28, 2011 Oregon State University campus, Corvallis, Oregon We invite submissions for the 18th annual conference of SPCW.…



KEYNOTES: Timothy Campbell (Cornell University) Catherine Malabou (University of Paris-X Nanterre & SUNY Buffalo) David E. Johnson (SUNY Buffalo) April 15 – 16, 2011, the…

The Revolution of Time and the Time of Revolution


The Philosophy, Interpretation, and Culture Student Alliance at Binghamton University (S.U.N.Y.) Presents: The Revolution of Time and the Time of Revolution A conference The 25th…

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